This was an assignment for the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit) used for their covid-19 vaccination campaign (Impfkampagne). This information campaign in favour of the Swiss population led to a great response rate and got published nationally in five different laguages. It was used online and for newspaper adverts. Agency: Rod Kommunikation

Media response: Persoenlich | Horizont | Klein ReportWerbewoche

Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
Advertisement for BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Portrait by advert photographer Dominic Steinmann.
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